Steering Through Change: Offering Seniors a Lifeline When Independence Fades
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

Steering Through Change: Offering Seniors a Lifeline When Independence Fades

Steering Through Change: Offering Seniors a Lifeline When Independence Fades

Imagine finding yourself lost in a bustling foreign city. You are desperately trying to make sense of your surroundings. You’ve learned some of the language, but everyone speaks so fast that you can’t keep up. It is incredibly difficult to process the information coming at you. You wish someone would slow down, look you in the eye, and take the time to truly communicate with you. Imagine that feeling in your hometow

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The simple act of a stranger’s kindness
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

The simple act of a stranger’s kindness

As I turn 50 the memories that impact me the most are the goodwill of others. The simple act of a stranger’s kindness can make a lifetime impression. I have such happy memories as a child when my mom, sister and I would go shopping and getting an Icee and soft pretzel. 

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The Significance of Self-care
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

The Significance of Self-care

What makes me great at helping others is that I prioritize taking care of myself. It's essential to look after your own well-being. As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup.

Being a service coordinator can be stressful. I must stay organized and on top of my calls, appointments and paperwork. I also must be a grounding and resourceful force when clients come in for appointments. How do I do it? 

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NHCO Celebrates 30 Years in Millvale
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

NHCO Celebrates 30 Years in Millvale

“Community” can be defined as “a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” NHCO IS community. Millvale IS community. And together, we build community.

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A Beautiful Friendship Bridges the Generations
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

A Beautiful Friendship Bridges the Generations

By Gregg Brunner, In Service of Seniors Projects Coordinator

About seven years ago I met Patty, 81-years old, when she worked at the flower shop next to the coffee shop where I worked. Working was putting it loosely, though—she wasn’t getting paid. Her friend Tad, who later became my friend, owned the flower shop and she helped out with sweeping, answering phones or whatever little things needed to be done. Patty had been a nurse her whole life and she would come over every day to get coffee and we became fast friends.

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Progress in NHCO’s Pathways Program Pays Off
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

Progress in NHCO’s Pathways Program Pays Off

By Mikhaila Fogel, NHCO Service Coordinator

In September 2021, Marie came to NHCO looking for help paying various overdue bills. Now, after a year and a half of engaging in NHCO’s Pathways program, Marie feels much more in control of her finances and has managed to pay off three of her credit cards.

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Celebrating One Year of Partnership - NHCO and Roots of Faith
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

Celebrating One Year of Partnership - NHCO and Roots of Faith

For Roots of Faith, community connection is the core of their values. They have run many programs designed to serve their neighborhood, Sharpsburg. During the pandemic they realized they needed help meeting the needs of the community. However, it quickly became clear that the outreach director, Kathleen Stanley, and her volunteer assistant, Mary Jane, would need help to keep up with the community's needs.That’s when they partnered with North Hills Community Outreach.

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Pathways Client and his NHCO "Cheerleader" Confront Debt Burden
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

Pathways Client and his NHCO "Cheerleader" Confront Debt Burden

With some critical and creative thinking and our partner organizations' help, Michael is on a trail to happier times.

Michael is unemployed, disabled, and near financial ruin. Last October, the 60-year-old realized he needed help, so he contacted NHCO North Boroughs Service Coordinator Mick Karolac. Mick oversees our Pathways program, a holistic approach that helps individuals and families achieve stability and self-reliance. Through the past few months, he has been guiding Michael to a better life.

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Interns at NHCO Garden Learn Joys of Growing and Giving Back
jeff Geissler jeff Geissler

Interns at NHCO Garden Learn Joys of Growing and Giving Back

North Hills High School Seniors Emma and Maggie are spending their summer interning at NHCO's Rosalinda Sauro Sirianni Garden. The volunteer and community-supported organic garden in Bellevue provides thousands of pounds of fresh produce to NHCO's food pantries. During NHCO's 2020-2021 fiscal year, 4,556.5 pounds of organic produce was harvested and distributed to those in need.

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