Planned Giving

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Your Legacy has a Home at NHCO

North Hills Community Outreach's Legacy Society welcomes those who have included NHCO in their estate plans. This opportunity allows donors to leave a lasting legacy to our organization and the community we serve. We offer four ways to include NHCO in your planned giving.

Designate a dollar amount or percentage of your estate that will be given to NHCO in your will.

Life Insurance
You can name the North Hills Community Outreach as the primary beneficiary to receive all or part of the proceeds of your policy.

Retirement Fund Assets
You can designate the North Hills Community Outreach to receive all or a portion of your qualified retirement assets.

Endowment of The Pittsburgh Foundation
We are pleased to offer our donors and supporters many different options for planned giving through this Fund.

“I've been involved as a volunteer and board member for more than 15 years. I am very committed to financially supporting this new adventure with NHCO Legacy Society. And I am encouraging others to do the same.”

Eric Kofmehl, NHCO Board Member and Legacy Society Member

If you have any questions about NHCO’s Legacy Society or would like to join please contact:
Scott Shaffer, NHCO Executive Director
412-487-6316 x3110

Legacy Society Membership Form word document.

Legacy Society Membership Form PDF