Help neighbors in need stay warm and keep and lights on. On average, one in five households are forced to forgo, or have to reduce food, medicine and other necessities to pay an energy bill. During the winter months, NHCO provides assistance in paying these bills to more than 500 vulnerable seniors, disabled adults and families. For those in need, this is a welcome reminder that someone cares.
“Thank you very much for the gift of electricity and heat. This is a lot of money for someone who doesn’t have much. I don’t know who you are, but God does and I will ask him to bless you and your family.” – Sharing Winter Warmth Client.
This is your chance to help a neighbor have a warmer, brighter new year. Make a safe and secure online donation Here and choose to have you contribution go towards “Sharing Projects.”
Or call our Staff Accountant Lin Kostura at 412-487-6316, opt. 1 x 3131