The Generosity of Giving Time

by Harriet Klatte, NHCO Volunteer Coordinator

Remember the commercial where a man makes a purchase with his credit card, and the narrator said,
Concert tickets, $235
Italian dinner for two, $100
Presenting her with the perfect birthday gift, $500

The look on her face when she opens it—priceless?

We can easily apply this concept to a donation to North Hills Community Outreach.
Cash donation to NHCO’s Food Pantry, $1,000
Value of in-kind food donations to NHCO’s Food Pantry, $500

Value of NHCO’s Food Pantry volunteers – priceless!

In fiscal year 2022-2023, 791 volunteers gave 23,152 hours by sharing their skills and talents to serve our community and neighbors who are facing hardship. Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and ages, but they all have one thing in common: they play a vital role in fulfilling NHCO’s mission of people helping people.

December is always a busy time for NHCO and our volunteers. Sharing Projects volunteers transport, sort and pack donations for our Holiday Toy Shop distributions. NHCO receives an incredible amount of food donations during the holiday season. This food must be sorted and organized on our shelves, with additional food pantry volunteers are needed to transport food to families in Millvale and North Boroughs. Volunteers deliver holiday gifts to the older adults in our In Service of Seniors program. And dozens of volunteers stand outside in the cold, Pittsburgh winter weather ringing the bells in all for NHCO’s Salvation Army Kettle Campaign.

No matter what the task is, their time and efforts fulfill our mission. They are kind, caring, hard-working, understanding and supportive. In addition, they bring smiles to the faces of those we serve.

Our volunteers are truly people helping people. And we are grateful for the generosity of what they give.


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