Mile Sponsorship 2024
Sponsor one (or more) of the three miles along the route. Gather a group and go out to cheer the runners on with homemade signs or hand out a snack. If you don't want to get up that early, don't worry; we'll provide every Mile Sponsor with additional road signage.
Sponsor one (or more) of the three miles along the route. Gather a group and go out to cheer the runners on with homemade signs or hand out a snack. If you don't want to get up that early, don't worry; we'll provide every Mile Sponsor with additional road signage.
Sponsor one (or more) of the three miles along the route. Gather a group and go out to cheer the runners on with homemade signs or hand out a snack. If you don't want to get up that early, don't worry; we'll provide every Mile Sponsor with additional road signage.